Friday, July 1, 2016

New Friends and New Foods

After a quick breakfast with my Women and Leadership classmates we headed over to class and made it a bit early. When class started we were given the plan for our day today. Our leadership life maps were due today so we already knew we would presenting those. We were also told we would be leaving the classroom soon to go on a tour of the student centers. The three centers we would be touring included the Brown Center for Students of Color, the LGBTQ Center, and the Women's Center. We were also informed of the pizza party we would be having later today at the Women's Center. After the introduction to our day, we all headed to the Brown Center for Students of Color. I was excited to see what type of resources these centers would have, especially since I am really interested in attending this school. 

The African-American room in the BCSC.
At the each center we were given a short introduction and were told what each center has to offer. It seems like each of the centers are more than just a place to consult with someone or use resources but they each have their own little community. People can go to these centers to study, plan events, socialize with other students, and with the very comfy environment people end up just relaxing in them. I feel that these centers are a great asset to the Brown campus. After an introduction we were given a tour, and then at the end we would gather into a central room and give our leadership life map presentations. I did not get to go today, I will be presenting Tuesday, but I really enjoyed listening to each presentation. They were all very deep and very real. I even related and teared up to a few. This was another activity that brought us closer as a group. 

When the presentations in the Women's Center were finished we had pizza, cookies, and drinks to mingle over. This was a nice break from the dining hall food, the pizza was very tasty. After eating, we went over our action plans and found somebody in the class who we may be able to collaborate with. Since Lynda and I attend the same school, we decided we'd do something together. We then went into another room to make customized buttons. This was a really fun activity and I went a little overboard with the button making. There was a button maker set up in the room and we all learned how to customize and create our own. I would love to have one of these at home, it was a very fun activity. 

We then headed back to class to watch the movie Miss Representation. This film was very eye opening and inspiring. I was actually very shocked by some of the statistics and information given. I would recommend everybody watch this movie. Tina provided us with some really great snacks and we watched this movie for the duration of class. 

When class was over Krystal and I headed to my dorm to relax a while before we met up with our classmates at 6 PM. We then headed over to the the meeting spot and went to Kebab and Curry with some friends. I really wanted to try something new so I trusted Komal to recommend some foods to me. I went with mango lassi for my drink and thali with chicken tikka masala. It was all very delicious and it was great getting to eat with my new classmates. I already feel very close to them and getting to know new people is always fun. 

Laundry with Lynda, and a
new book I was given today.
After dinner we headed to the dorms to do some laundry and then we all gathered in the Buxton lounge. We all played ping pong, card games, and even learned some dances from our friends of different cultures. I now know a Bollywood dance routine that I'll bring back home to show my family. We also showed each other music from our different cultures and it was all around a great night. Now off to bed to rest before another full and fun day.

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